Spiritual & Individual Guidance for Soldiers - עמותת נצח

Spiritual & Individual Guidance for Soldiers

Guiding Soldiers During Their Military Service

 Discussions on various Torah topics & individual guidance 

The rabbinical team at Netzah Yehuda accompanies the soldiers during their service in terms of their spiritual sides, providing them with daily Torah lessons at the various IDF bases, joint studies, valuable content that incorporates the sense of purpose in serving in the military and the selfless giving of the Jewish spirit.

Personal Guidance

The soldiers are given personal guidance by the organization’s educational counselors. The counselors help them maintain a proper relationship with their families, build an individual and valuable identity, connect to military service and providing for others, and especially overcoming challenges that might arise during military service, thus preventing them from dropping out and harnessing them towards success.

Applying “Netzah” Practices

The IDF Human Resources branch, the Social Security branch of the Ministry of Defense and the Netzah Yehuda Organization have created a set of practices that allow for an environment best suited for Haredi men to serve in the IDF. The organization helps uphold these practices and allows the existence of a Haredi lifestyle while serving.

Materialistic Support

The soldiers receive much attention with unit-building events, specially-made backpacks, yarmulkes, Tzitzits, Sukkot and the four species, etc. in order to motivate Haredi soldiers and improve the quality of their service.